MERLIN organized a panel about company creation in universities in Spain at the “Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación” (SAAEI’19). This conference was moderated by Tanya Suarez, CEO of MERLIN partner BluSpecs S.L., and the following list of panelists:
- Dr. Andrés Iborra: full professor of Electronics, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, CEO of MERLIN Coordinator Cloud Incubator HUB.
Dr. Juan M. Carrasco, full professor of Electronics, Universidad de Sevilla, Co-founder in 2002 of Green Power Technologies, SL
Eugenio Domínguez , Telecommunication Engineer, co-founded Wind Inertia Technologies as a spin-off of the Universidad de Sevilla.
- Fernando Palacios, Mechanical Engineer, co-founder of Rovimatica S.L.
- Dr. José Ángel Noguera, was associate professor at the Electronics Department of Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, and co-founder of Proasistech S.L.
The panelists described their experience creating a company or spin-off at different points in time: right after finishing their Degrees, while working as staff in research projects, or while having an academic position at University.
Some photos are available here.
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